Seat Ibiza 2021 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Seat Ibiza 2021 dimensions.

The Seat Ibiza has a length of 4059 mm, a height of 1447 mm, a width of 1780 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 1942 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Seat Ibiza in the category of small cars. This model from the year 2021 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2017 Seat Ibiza.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Seat Ibiza dimensions to compare with previous models
Seat Ibiza 2021 dimensions and boot space of 355 liters:

Seat Ibiza 2017 dimensions and boot space of 355 liters:

Last opinions on the Seat Ibiza 2017 size:
✎ Lübeck, 13-01-2025 (4★/5)
Good little car, and with the 1.0l TSI it’s pretty speedy too! Deals with a the weekly 400km of German Autobahn well
Good little car, and with the 1.0l TSI it’s pretty speedy too! Deals with a the weekly 400km of German Autobahn well
✎ S.Wales, 18-11-2024 (4★/5)
Wifes car had a few years now she wanted something smaller,had a much larger estate before,it's the 1.0 dsg excellence lux so has extra sensors camera etc so easy to park,though for a relatively small car it's quite wide,as with all cars they seem to be getting wider with each new version,had an older ibiza St in the past and the build quality isn't what it was, the doors shut like a tin can.Dont like the dsg, but the major issue is how high the boot cill is,the primary job of the car for us is to take the dog to the beach forest etc.Again all cars seem to have higher and higher boot openings from the floor, our cocker spaniel can jump into her crate ok at the mo.. but she has had a few failed attempts, this isn't going to be easy as she gets older,so will be going back to an estate soon.
Wifes car had a few years now she wanted something smaller,had a much larger estate before,it's the 1.0 dsg excellence lux so has extra sensors camera etc so easy to park,though for a relatively small car it's quite wide,as with all cars they seem to be getting wider with each new version,had an older ibiza St in the past and the build quality isn't what it was, the doors shut like a tin can.Dont like the dsg, but the major issue is how high the boot cill is,the primary job of the car for us is to take the dog to the beach forest etc.Again all cars seem to have higher and higher boot openings from the floor, our cocker spaniel can jump into her crate ok at the mo.. but she has had a few failed attempts, this isn't going to be easy as she gets older,so will be going back to an estate soon.
✎ dublin, 27-11-2022 (3.2★/5)
✎ Cheltenham , 09-11-2021 (4.8★/5)
Bought it as it’s got a lot of space compared with other superminis but now that my boys are 13 and 11 I’m considering a bigger car.
Bought it as it’s got a lot of space compared with other superminis but now that my boys are 13 and 11 I’m considering a bigger car.
Seat Ibiza 5p 2015 dimensions and boot space of 292 liters:

Seat Ibiza 5p 2012 dimensions and boot space of 292 liters:

Seat Ibiza 5p 2009 dimensions and boot space of 292 liters:

Last opinions on the Seat Ibiza 5p 2009 size:
✎ Rijeka (51000), 28-03-2024 (3.4★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Seat Ibiza 2021:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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