Hyundai i20 2023 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Hyundai i20 2023 dimensions.

The Hyundai i20 has a length of 4065 mm, a height of 1450 mm and a width of 1775 mm without the exterior mirrors. The mild hybrid model is called i20 48V. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Hyundai i20 in the category of small cars. This model from the year 2023 is 25 mm longer, has the same width and has the same height compared to the dimensions of the 2021 Hyundai i20.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Hyundai i20 dimensions to compare with previous models
Hyundai i20 2023 dimensions and boot space of 352 liters:

Last opinions on the Hyundai i20 2023 size:
✎ Niš, 23-05-2024 (5★/5)
Hyundai i20 2021 dimensions and boot space of 352 liters:

Hyundai i20 2018 dimensions and boot space of 326 liters:

Last opinions on the Hyundai i20 2018 size:
✎ PALWAL, 29-08-2023 (5★/5)
Hyundai i20 2015 dimensions and boot space of 326 liters:

Last opinions on the Hyundai i20 2015 size:
✎ Vienna, 09-12-2023 (5★/5)
Leg space in rear is much better than cars of comparable size. The boot is big enough but sometimes cannot be utilized completely due to side walls design.
Leg space in rear is much better than cars of comparable size. The boot is big enough but sometimes cannot be utilized completely due to side walls design.
Hyundai i20 2012 dimensions and boot space of 295 liters:

Last opinions on the Hyundai i20 2012 size:
✎ Leeds, 02-12-2021 (4.6★/5)
It is really convenient and agile.
It is really convenient and agile.
Hyundai i20 2009 dimensions and boot space of 295 liters:

Last opinions on the Hyundai i20 2009 size:
✎ Whitehaven, 28-11-2021 (5★/5)
I think all manufacturing companies miss a important selling point, ground to seat measurement. Is very important if you’re getting older.Also for people with disc or back problems.
I think all manufacturing companies miss a important selling point, ground to seat measurement. Is very important if you’re getting older.Also for people with disc or back problems.
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Hyundai i20 2023:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Hyundai i20 comparator with other vehicles

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Category of small cars

i20 2023 parking space simulator