Automobile dimensions and sizes of all makes

Dimensions of new Alfa Romeo cars showing length, width and height

Range of Alfa Romeo automobiles to help you find new and previous cars according to the size of each vehicle.
Width measurements are indicated without the side mirrors (in brackets with the mirrors unfolded).
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Alfa Romeo Junior

Alfa Romeo Junior size
See interiorLogo Petrol mild hybridLogo Electric
L x W x H: 4173 x 1781 x 1535 mm
Boot space: 400 dm3

Alfa Romeo Giulia

Alfa Romeo Giulia size
See interiorLogo DieselLogo Petrol
L x W x H: 4643 x 1860 x 1436 mm
Boot space: 480 dm3

Alfa Romeo Tonale

Alfa Romeo Tonale size
See interiorLogo DieselLogo Petrol mild hybridLogo Petrol plug-in hybrid
L x W x H: 4530 x 1840 x 1600 mm
Boot space: 500 dm3

Alfa Romeo Stelvio

Alfa Romeo Stelvio measures in mm
See interiorLogo DieselLogo Petrol
L x W x H: 4687 x 1903 x 1671 mm
Boot space: 525 dm3

Logo DieselDiesel Logo Diesel mild hybridDiesel mild hybrid Logo Diesel hybridDiesel hybrid Logo Diesel plug-in hybridDiesel plug-in hybrid Logo HydrogenHydrogen
Logo PetrolPetrol Logo Petrol mild hybridPetrol mild hybrid Logo Petrol hybridPetrol hybrid Logo Petrol plug-in hybridPetrol plug-in hybrid Logo ElectricElectric

Alfa Romeo brand synthesis:

Alfa Romeo is an iconic Italian car brand founded in 1910, renowned for its combination of elegant design, innovative technology, and sporty performance. Throughout its history, the brand has been closely linked to motorsports and the development of cars that balance dynamic performance with sophisticated aesthetics. With a blend of history, innovation, and sportiness, Alfa Romeo offers an exciting driving experience with a touch of Italian exclusivity.

Among Alfa Romeo cars, we highlight:
  • High-performance sports cars and sedans: Models like the Giulia, which combines refined design with sporty driving dynamics.
  • Sporty SUVs: The Stelvio, a high-performance SUV that maintains the brand’s sporty DNA without sacrificing versatility.

Length of new Alfa Romeo automobiles:

 4173 mm
 4530 mm
 4643 mm
 4687 mm

Dimensions of recent previous Alfa Romeo models:

Alfa Romeo Stelvio - 2020
Model replaced by the new Stelvio in 2023.
Alfa Romeo Stelvio - 2020See interior
Alfa Romeo Giulia - 2020
Model replaced by the new Giulia in 2023.
Alfa Romeo Giulia - 2020See interior
Alfa Romeo Giulietta - 2016
Model on sale until 2021.
Alfa Romeo Giulietta - 2016See interior
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Previous automobiles Alfa Romeo
Car categories sorted by size and length:
Compact cars
Sports cars

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