Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2023 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2023 dimensions.

The Alfa-Romeo Giulia has a length of 4643 mm, a height of 1436 mm, a width of 1860 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2024 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Alfa-Romeo Giulia in the category of family cars. This model from the year 2023 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2020 Alfa-Romeo Giulia.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Alfa-Romeo Giulia dimensions to compare with previous models
Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2023 dimensions and boot space of 480 liters:

Last opinions on the Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2023 size:
✎ Fez, 15-01-2025 (5★/5)
Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2020 dimensions and boot space of 480 liters:

Last opinions on the Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2020 size:
✎ London, 07-01-2023 (4.4★/5)
✎ Gdansk, 19-12-2021 (5★/5)
Perfect car
Perfect car
✎ Katowice, 30-08-2021 (4.2★/5)
Its the freeways eater. Still extremely flexible in country roads and on roundabouts. The only problematic moments are when you try to park it :) turning radius could be better.
Its the freeways eater. Still extremely flexible in country roads and on roundabouts. The only problematic moments are when you try to park it :) turning radius could be better.
Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2016 dimensions and boot space of 480 liters:

Last opinions on the Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2016 size:
✎ utrecht, 21-03-2022 (5★/5)
very good
very good
Alfa-Romeo 159 2010 dimensions and boot space of liters:

Last opinions on the Alfa-Romeo 159 2010 size:
✎ Sofia, 10-04-2023 (4.6★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Alfa-Romeo Giulia 2023:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Alfa-Romeo Giulia comparator with other vehicles

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Category of family cars

Giulia 2023 parking space simulator