Polestar 2- 2024 dimensions, boot space, weight and interior photos

Polestar 2- 2024 dimensions.

The Polestar 2- has a length of 4606 mm, a height of 1479 mm, a width of 1859 mm without the exterior mirrors, a measurement of 1985 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded and a weight of 1944-2108 kg. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Polestar 2- in the category of family cars. This model from the year 2024 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2020 Polestar 2-.

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Current Polestar 2- dimensions to compare with previous models
Polestar 2- 2024 dimensions and boot space of 448 liters:

Polestar 2- 2020 dimensions and boot space of 440 liters:

Last opinions on the Polestar 2- 2020 size:
✎ Glostrup, 04-12-2024 (5★/5)
Best car I ever had also in comparison to my non EV's. Good range in both summer and winter. Drives like a dream
Best car I ever had also in comparison to my non EV's. Good range in both summer and winter. Drives like a dream
✎ Naestved, 07-11-2023 (4★/5)
Size: Nice and compact. Interior size: Snug racecar-like front. Leg room fine in back, but people above 1.85 will not fit in height in the back. Luggage: Hatchback makes the luggage useful. Seats fold nicely, ski pass, dividers for your luggage. Parking: A little wide, but narrower than most EV's. Will fit in most parking spaces. Mobility city: Very easy do drive. One pedal driving the best of all EV's. Road: A blast to drive. This is the reason to buy it. If you don't care about driving, go buy the Tesla. If you do like driving, but cannot afford the Audi RS-GT or a Porsche Taycan, the Polestar is for you. Versatility: Being a hatchback, it's more practical than the competition. Overall: This is a drivers car. Very rare in the EV world.
Size: Nice and compact. Interior size: Snug racecar-like front. Leg room fine in back, but people above 1.85 will not fit in height in the back. Luggage: Hatchback makes the luggage useful. Seats fold nicely, ski pass, dividers for your luggage. Parking: A little wide, but narrower than most EV's. Will fit in most parking spaces. Mobility city: Very easy do drive. One pedal driving the best of all EV's. Road: A blast to drive. This is the reason to buy it. If you don't care about driving, go buy the Tesla. If you do like driving, but cannot afford the Audi RS-GT or a Porsche Taycan, the Polestar is for you. Versatility: Being a hatchback, it's more practical than the competition. Overall: This is a drivers car. Very rare in the EV world.
✎ Antwerp, 02-02-2023 (4.6★/5)
✎ London , 10-01-2023 (4.4★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Polestar 2- 2024:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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