Mazda CX-30 2020 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Mazda CX-30 2020 dimensions.

The Mazda CX-30 has a length of 4395 mm, a height of 1540 mm and a width of 1795 mm without the exterior mirrors. Because of its size, features and ground clearance of 17 cm, we classify the Mazda CX-30 in the category of compact SUV.

Last opinions on the Mazda CX-30 size:
✎ Atlanta , 16-03-2024 (1.8★/5)
For the size of this Mazda there should be 35-40 inches of legroom and a good amount of trunk space. But no, the back seat space is tiny and the trunk space is disappointing. The performance is average, nothing special.It feels like a tiny hatchback but on the outside it’s as big as a BMW x1 or Honda hrv. This car is horrible. Some alternatives that are actually good are the bmw x1 or the Honda hrv.
For the size of this Mazda there should be 35-40 inches of legroom and a good amount of trunk space. But no, the back seat space is tiny and the trunk space is disappointing. The performance is average, nothing special.It feels like a tiny hatchback but on the outside it’s as big as a BMW x1 or Honda hrv. This car is horrible. Some alternatives that are actually good are the bmw x1 or the Honda hrv.
✎ Bucharest, 18-06-2022 (4.4★/5)
Good car, rear space isnt a problem If you play with frontseqt heitht
Good car, rear space isnt a problem If you play with frontseqt heitht
✎ Copenhagen, 29-11-2021 (2★/5)
very thight space on the back seat, and very long nose when you have to park and pull out
very thight space on the back seat, and very long nose when you have to park and pull out
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(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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