Honda e:Ny1 2024 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Honda e:Ny1 2024 dimensions.

The Honda e:Ny1 has a length of 4387 mm, a height of 1584 mm, a width of 1790 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2028 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its size, features and ground clearance of 14 cm, we classify the Honda e:Ny1 in the category of compact SUV.

Last opinions on the Honda e:Ny1 size:
✎ Fredrikstad , 16-06-2024 (4.2★/5)
Good car for money, not for longer than 400km distances, due to slow charging. 20-90% in 50-60min. Back seats are awesome for type and class. Not best line control and ACC, but good enough for driving awaken. It's very good car. 8,5/10
Good car for money, not for longer than 400km distances, due to slow charging. 20-90% in 50-60min. Back seats are awesome for type and class. Not best line control and ACC, but good enough for driving awaken. It's very good car. 8,5/10
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