Citroen C4 Cactus 2018 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Citroen C4 Cactus 2018 dimensions.

The Citroen C4 Cactus has a length of 4170 mm, a height of 1480 mm, a width of 1729 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 1946 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Citroen C4 Cactus in the category of compact cars. This model from the year 2018 is 13 mm longer, has the same width and 50 mm lower compared to the dimensions of the 2014 Citroen C4 Cactus. 2018 model for sale as new until 2020.
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Current Citroen C4 Cactus dimensions to compare with previous models
Citroen C4 Cactus 2018 dimensions and boot space of 358 liters:

Citroen C4 Cactus 2014 dimensions and boot space of 358 liters:

Last opinions on the Citroen C4 Cactus 2014 size:
✎ Winchester, 07-12-2024 (4.8★/5)
A funky design, useful if basic car. Rear seat doesn't fold down flat - you can take out the base but its not designed to do it & is a bit awkward. Later models have split folding rear seats which is slightly more useful. Good headroom for tall folk. Basic 82bhp 1200 engine is gutless. 110bhp turbo is better. They all seem to use more oil than average. Handling is OK if a bit jittery. Front tyre wear seems high. Central control touch screen is a disaster. Inconvenient to use when driving; touch screens are distracting & risk being the cause of accidents. Why there aren't 2 coffee cup holders in the front beats me! :-)
A funky design, useful if basic car. Rear seat doesn't fold down flat - you can take out the base but its not designed to do it & is a bit awkward. Later models have split folding rear seats which is slightly more useful. Good headroom for tall folk. Basic 82bhp 1200 engine is gutless. 110bhp turbo is better. They all seem to use more oil than average. Handling is OK if a bit jittery. Front tyre wear seems high. Central control touch screen is a disaster. Inconvenient to use when driving; touch screens are distracting & risk being the cause of accidents. Why there aren't 2 coffee cup holders in the front beats me! :-)
✎ Singapore, 17-07-2023 (4.8★/5)
Good size for small family. Petrol saving for long haul trips. However, it is rather noisy and under power when switching gear
Good size for small family. Petrol saving for long haul trips. However, it is rather noisy and under power when switching gear
✎ Urk, 30-04-2023 (2★/5)
✎ Toulouse, 16-02-2022 (4.2★/5)
Very good car.
Very good car.
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Citroen C4 Cactus 2018:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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