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Volvo V40 2016 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Volvo V40 2016 dimensions with length, width and height

Volvo V40 2016 dimensions.

Diesel Diesel engine.
Petrol Petrol engine.
Volvo V40 2016 boot space
ZoomBoot space: 335 liters.
Volvo V40 2016 dashboard
Volvo V40 2016 interior
ZoomInterior space with 5 seats.
The Volvo V40 has a length of 4369 mm, a height of 1420 mm, a width of 1802 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2041 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Volvo V40 in the category of compact cars. This model from the year 2016 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2012 Volvo V40. 2016 model for sale as new until 2019.
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Current Volvo V40 dimensions to compare with previous models

Volvo V40 2016 dimensions and boot space of 335 liters:

Volvo V40 2016 dimensionsVolvo V40 2016 boot spaceVolvo V40 2016 dashboardVolvo V40 2016 interior
Last opinions on the Volvo V40 2016 size:
✎ Milton keynes, 08-05-2023  (3.6/5)
Great car and performance though my car is the T3 R design so hasnextra power. Also automatic which makes city driving great. Space wise not bad especially as it has a space saver spare tyre.
✎ Brussels, 24-03-2022  (4.2/5)
great car from the drivers view, small booth
✎ Dundee, 25-07-2021  (4/5)
Good quality interior and very comfortable with r design pro trim. Good storage but boot could be more versatile and bigger/wider. The addition of the adblue tank in boot is tricky and somewhat of an inconvenience. Economical to run with D2 engine.

Volvo V40 2012 dimensions and boot space of 335 liters:

Volvo V40 2012 dimensions
Last opinions on the Volvo V40 2012 size:
✎ Hk, 22-12-2024  (5/5)
✎ Sheffield, 25-10-2022  (4.6/5)
2015, D3 4cyl, Geartronic, R-Design Lux-Nav + Panoramic Roof, Adaptive Cruise, Road Sign Detection, Spare Wheel, False floor Ect Ect (All the options apart from keyless entry) Really good car, had from 6months old. Comfortable to drive, best seats in class. Relaxed drive on long distance, glass roof a bonus A little hard over poor road surfaces, heavy on front Tyres, boot space thought was decent until had daughter and found pram a struggle. False/split floor didnt help as raises floor for tyre and compartment for oddments. Would i buy another one. YES. Volvo quality and fun to drive
✎ Vila Nova Famalicao, 10-12-2021  (4.2/5)
Good size and really good comfort, great cubby spaces and huge glovebox. Smaller than expected boot but good usable space, with some underneath storage. Great all around car.

Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Volvo V40 2016:

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