Mazda 3 2019 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Mazda 3 2019 dimensions.

The Mazda 3 has a length of 4460 mm, a height of 1435 mm and a width of 1795 mm without the exterior mirrors. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Mazda 3 in the category of family cars. This model from the year 2019 is 10 mm shorter, has the same width and 30 mm lower compared to the dimensions of the 2017 Mazda 3.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Mazda 3 dimensions to compare with previous models
Mazda 3 2019 dimensions and boot space of 358 liters:

Last opinions on the Mazda 3 2019 size:
✎ Foligno, 29-12-2023 (4★/5)
✎ Manchester, 06-03-2023 (4.4★/5)
Ideal for partially disabled. Mild hybrid improves performance and mpg
Ideal for partially disabled. Mild hybrid improves performance and mpg
✎ Phoenix, 08-07-2022 (2.6★/5)
✎ Ljubljana, 04-06-2021 (4.6★/5)
Sitting in the back is a bit uncomfortable if the person is tall (more than 180 cm) but you need to have in mind that mazda 3 is made for the driver. Luggage space is good, parking is easy because the car is also equipped with the camera and great parking sensors. Usual driving has good consumption (6,5l/100km)
Sitting in the back is a bit uncomfortable if the person is tall (more than 180 cm) but you need to have in mind that mazda 3 is made for the driver. Luggage space is good, parking is easy because the car is also equipped with the camera and great parking sensors. Usual driving has good consumption (6,5l/100km)
Mazda 3 2017 dimensions and boot space of 364 liters:

Last opinions on the Mazda 3 2017 size:
✎ London, 08-05-2024 (4.4★/5)
Mazda 3 2014 dimensions and boot space of 364 liters:

Last opinions on the Mazda 3 2014 size:
✎ sydney, 07-08-2022 (4.4★/5)
Mazda 3 2012 dimensions and boot space of liters:

Last opinions on the Mazda 3 2012 size:
✎ LISBON, 24-07-2023 (5★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Mazda 3 2019:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Mazda 3 comparator with other vehicles

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Category of family cars

3 2019 parking space simulator