Toyota Corolla Touring Sports 2023 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Toyota Corolla Touring Sports 2023 dimensions.

The Toyota Corolla Touring Sports has a length of 4653 mm, a height of 1445 mm and a width of 1790 mm without the exterior mirrors. Because of its versatility and larger rear space, we classify the Toyota Corolla Touring Sports in the category of estate cars. This model from the year 2023 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2019 Toyota Corolla Touring Sports.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Toyota Corolla Touring Sports dimensions to compare with previous models
Toyota Corolla Touring Sports 2023 dimensions and boot space of 598 liters:

Last opinions on the Toyota Corolla Touring Sports 2023 size:
✎ Bayerisch Eisenstein , 08-12-2024 (4.4★/5)
An excellent car - very comfortable for long journeys with very little internal noise and great fuel economy. The hybrid set-up removes the distance worry of having a purely electric car.
An excellent car - very comfortable for long journeys with very little internal noise and great fuel economy. The hybrid set-up removes the distance worry of having a purely electric car.
✎ taizhong, 10-05-2024 (4.8★/5)
Good fuel consumption and handling, lots of space, great appearance, reliable, comfortable, and most importantly, eco friendly, perfect car.
Good fuel consumption and handling, lots of space, great appearance, reliable, comfortable, and most importantly, eco friendly, perfect car.
Toyota Corolla Touring Sports 2019 dimensions and boot space of 598 liters:

Last opinions on the Toyota Corolla Touring Sports 2019 size:
✎ Bucharest, 06-05-2024 (4.2★/5)
great urban/suburban car
great urban/suburban car
✎ Dublin, 07-05-2023 (4.2★/5)
Very economical car. Comfortable seats, very good road handling and acceleration. My only complaint is that the headroom in the rear is very limited, both vertically and horizontally. Also the boot space although large is compromised because of the shallow angle of the rear window and the side windows. Vertical height in the boot is also far too shallow, much lower than its predecessor which had great space in the boot. Also there is no spare wheel which is a bit of a worry when driving out of town. Overall a really excellent economical car I just watch out for those space limitations
Very economical car. Comfortable seats, very good road handling and acceleration. My only complaint is that the headroom in the rear is very limited, both vertically and horizontally. Also the boot space although large is compromised because of the shallow angle of the rear window and the side windows. Vertical height in the boot is also far too shallow, much lower than its predecessor which had great space in the boot. Also there is no spare wheel which is a bit of a worry when driving out of town. Overall a really excellent economical car I just watch out for those space limitations
✎ North East Lincolnshire, 20-09-2022 (5★/5)
Excellent car. Plenty of go (2.0L model). Hybrid system quiet, relaxing and smooth. Very easy to drive and get economical fuel consumption. Running as EV in city is addictive! Good boot size with two-level floor.
Excellent car. Plenty of go (2.0L model). Hybrid system quiet, relaxing and smooth. Very easy to drive and get economical fuel consumption. Running as EV in city is addictive! Good boot size with two-level floor.
✎ Yeovil, 01-08-2022 (4.6★/5)
Excellent car. Quiet, comfortable, very economical, easy to drive, relaxing. Automatic hybrid transmission excellent in traffic.
Excellent car. Quiet, comfortable, very economical, easy to drive, relaxing. Automatic hybrid transmission excellent in traffic.
Toyota Auris Touring Sports 2015 dimensions and boot space of 530 liters:

Last opinions on the Toyota Auris Touring Sports 2015 size:
✎ Yverdon, 13-01-2025 (4.6★/5)
Great car, no complaints. Space under boot useful. Easy car to drive. Size of boot perfect
Great car, no complaints. Space under boot useful. Easy car to drive. Size of boot perfect
✎ Riga, 08-05-2023 (2.4★/5)
✎ Vilnius, 15-02-2023 (4.2★/5)
✎ Brescia, 21-12-2022 (4.2★/5)
Toyota Auris Touring Sports 2013 dimensions and boot space of 530 liters:

Last opinions on the Toyota Auris Touring Sports 2013 size:
✎ Roelofarendsveen, 25-03-2025 (4★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Toyota Corolla Touring Sports 2023:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Toyota Corolla Touring Sports comparator with other vehicles

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