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Renault Zoe 2020 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Renault Zoe 2020 dimensions with length, width and height

Renault Zoe 2020 dimensions.

BEV Electric engine.
Renault Zoe 2020 boot space
ZoomBoot space: 338 liters.
Renault Zoe 2020 dashboard
Renault Zoe 2020 interior
ZoomInterior space with 5 seats.
The Renault Zoe has a length of 4087 mm, a height of 1562 mm, a width of 1730 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 1945 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Renault Zoe in the category of small cars. This model from the year 2020 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2017 Renault Zoe. 2020 model for sale as new until 2024.
Exterior of the Renault ZoeExterior detail of the Renault ZoeInterior detail of the Renault Zoe
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Current Renault Zoe dimensions to compare with previous models

Renault Zoe 2020 dimensions and boot space of 338 liters:

Renault Zoe 2020 dimensionsRenault Zoe 2020 boot spaceRenault Zoe 2020 dashboardRenault Zoe 2020 interior
Last opinions on the Renault Zoe 2020 size:
✎ Quimper, 05-12-2024  (3.8/5)
✎ Zabbar, 23-10-2024  (3.8/5)
✎ Malta , 03-07-2024  (4.4/5)
I live in Malta. There is so much traffic and lack of parking spaces that I find the size of Zoe ideal. Furthermore, I like the fact that it's electric. Ideal for a small country with short distances like mine. I only charge once a week, at home.
✎ Trowbridge, 28-11-2023  (5/5)
We find the car is adequate for our needs. The boot and internal space are fine. It is large enough for the two of us although a family might find it a bit restrictive. It is probably more of a city car than a long distance tourer, it’s performance might be found inadequate on motorways and faster roads but it suits our needs. Parking and mobility generally are good. It’s relatively small size is a plus point when driving and manoeuvring in traffic or parking.
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Renault Zoe 2017 dimensions and boot space of 338 liters:

Renault Zoe 2017 dimensionsRenault Zoe 2017 boot spaceRenault Zoe 2017 dashboardRenault Zoe 2017 interior
Last opinions on the Renault Zoe 2017 size:
✎ Northwich, 12-02-2025  (3.8/5)
Main problem is the thickness of the front pillars which create large blindspots - hazardous for seeing cars approaching from the right on roundabouts in the UK.
✎ Northwich, 12-06-2023  (5/5)
Disappointed there is no provision for a roof rack to carry larger items such as flatpacks from the department store. There is a serious problem with a blind spot caused by the pillar at the edge of the windscreen near the driver. On approach to a roundabout (here in the UK) it is possible for this to obscure a complete vehicle - which has caused me to have a near-miss a couple of times. I now make sure that I look round the pillar (both sides) when joining traffic approaching from the right. I have had no such visibility problem with previous cars. I like the speed limiter in the Zoe and will not buy another car without one. The suspension seems to take a lot of punishment on poorly maintained roads.

Renault Zoe 2013 dimensions and boot space of 338 liters:

Renault Zoe 2013 dimensionsRenault Zoe 2013 boot spaceRenault Zoe 2013 dashboardRenault Zoe 2013 interior
Last opinions on the Renault Zoe 2013 size:
✎ Watford, 05-06-2022  (3.2/5)
A little small for a young family but can get the collapsible buggy and a small balance bike in the boot at the same time.

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