BMW i3 2018 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

BMW i3 2018 dimensions.

The BMW i3 has a length of 4011 mm, a height of 1578 mm, a width of 1775 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2039 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its exterior size, we classify the BMW i3 in the category of small cars. This model from the year 2018 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2013 BMW i3.
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Current BMW i3 dimensions to compare with previous models
BMW i3 2018 dimensions and boot space of 260 liters:

Last opinions on the BMW i3 2018 size:
✎ Den Haag, 12-12-2024 (4.6★/5)
✎ Seattle, 14-04-2024 (4★/5)
✎ Tsukuba, 20-04-2023 (4.6★/5)
✎ copoenhagen, 25-03-2023 (4.2★/5)
The greatest City car of all times
The greatest City car of all times
BMW i3 2013 dimensions and boot space of 260 liters:

Last opinions on the BMW i3 2013 size:
✎ Poole,UK, 23-03-2024 (4.4★/5)
Shallow boot. Ok for luggage for 2 people but any more challenging.
Shallow boot. Ok for luggage for 2 people but any more challenging.
✎ Dorset, 19-10-2023 (4.2★/5)
✎ Martina Franca IT, 12-10-2022 (4.4★/5)
Having owned Several BMW's and higher performance Alfa's, and still own track car Strathcarron and large capacity Italian and British mototcycles the i3 is the best engaging drive I have had all my passengers are very impressed. Sadly the i3 is no longer in production so why oh why have BMW replaced it with a much larger car the iX not easy to drive in the local towns here in Southern Italy and parking not simple. Why would I want the alternative car all my long trips are only 2 persons plus I dislike SUV's. Sadly iI shall be looking elsewhere for a replacement electric car. My Brother in England a life long BMW owner has not bought a BMW electric car. you ask km per week mine varies from 145 -650 but not acceptable to the system. once again i3 a really great car.Thank you.
Having owned Several BMW's and higher performance Alfa's, and still own track car Strathcarron and large capacity Italian and British mototcycles the i3 is the best engaging drive I have had all my passengers are very impressed. Sadly the i3 is no longer in production so why oh why have BMW replaced it with a much larger car the iX not easy to drive in the local towns here in Southern Italy and parking not simple. Why would I want the alternative car all my long trips are only 2 persons plus I dislike SUV's. Sadly iI shall be looking elsewhere for a replacement electric car. My Brother in England a life long BMW owner has not bought a BMW electric car. you ask km per week mine varies from 145 -650 but not acceptable to the system. once again i3 a really great car.Thank you.
✎ Orange, 02-01-2022 (3★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the BMW i3 2018:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
BMW i3 comparator with other vehicles

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i3 2018 parking space simulator