Porsche Panamera 2024 dimensions, boot space, weight and interior photos

Porsche Panamera 2024 dimensions.

The Porsche Panamera has a length of 5052 mm, a height of 1423 mm, a width of 1937 mm without the exterior mirrors, a measurement of 2165 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded and a weight of 1960-2435 kg depending on motorization. The plug-in hybrid model is called Panamera E-Hybrid and has a boot space of 430* liters. Because of its exclusivity and high-end performance, we classify the Porsche Panamera in the category of luxury cars. This model from the year 2024 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2021 Porsche Panamera.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Porsche Panamera dimensions to compare with previous models
Porsche Panamera 2024 dimensions and boot space of 494 liters:

Porsche Panamera 2021 dimensions and boot space of 495 liters:

Porsche Panamera 2017 dimensions and boot space of 500 liters:

Last opinions on the Porsche Panamera 2017 size:
✎ turku, 21-04-2022 (4.6★/5)
The feel of the brakes are significantly worse than in a Porsche Panamera 2012 model. Also the upgraded Bose system is one of the worst car speakers I have ever experienced, a 2017 Toyota Yaris with stock speakers are better, which is not something I would expect from a 100 000 euro car. Otherwise the car is great to drive, acceleration is good, and the Porsche quality is very good. Interior space is not a problem in the front, but it can get a little tight in the back, especially if you have tall people in the front. The Panamera's huge turning rate is a bonus, and a big upgrade from my previous Tesla model S, which did not turn very well.
The feel of the brakes are significantly worse than in a Porsche Panamera 2012 model. Also the upgraded Bose system is one of the worst car speakers I have ever experienced, a 2017 Toyota Yaris with stock speakers are better, which is not something I would expect from a 100 000 euro car. Otherwise the car is great to drive, acceleration is good, and the Porsche quality is very good. Interior space is not a problem in the front, but it can get a little tight in the back, especially if you have tall people in the front. The Panamera's huge turning rate is a bonus, and a big upgrade from my previous Tesla model S, which did not turn very well.
Porsche Panamera 2013 dimensions and boot space of 445 liters:

Porsche Panamera 2011 dimensions and boot space of 445 liters:

Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Porsche Panamera 2024:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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