Peugeot 308 2022 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Peugeot 308 2022 dimensions.

The Peugeot 308 has a length of 4367 mm, a height of 1441 mm, a width of 1852 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2062 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. The plug-in hybrid model is called 308 Hybrid and has a boot space of 361* liters. The electric model is called E-308 and has a boot space of 361* liters. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Peugeot 308 in the category of compact cars. This model from the year 2022 stands out for being 114 mm longer compared to the dimensions of the 2017 Peugeot 308.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Peugeot 308 dimensions to compare with previous models
Peugeot 308 2022 dimensions and boot space of 412 liters:

Last opinions on the Peugeot 308 2022 size:
✎ Scarborough, 26-01-2024 (3★/5)
✎ Ireland , 09-09-2023 (3.4★/5)
Nice comfortable drive, plenty room in front but back gets cramped if need move seat back,fuel consumption around town can be high but on longer runs l can get 4.9l per 100klm small steering wheel either suits your position or you can't see dash,boot is ok size for car, the safety systems will drive you crazy, beeps n bongs non stop warning you about things that are no where near you, start stop system is very jumpy in traffic, you can turn off most manually but once restart car they are all active again, all settings are through infotainment screen so hard do on move, reverse camera is high definition and sensors work well, saying that as won't be getting 1 again
Nice comfortable drive, plenty room in front but back gets cramped if need move seat back,fuel consumption around town can be high but on longer runs l can get 4.9l per 100klm small steering wheel either suits your position or you can't see dash,boot is ok size for car, the safety systems will drive you crazy, beeps n bongs non stop warning you about things that are no where near you, start stop system is very jumpy in traffic, you can turn off most manually but once restart car they are all active again, all settings are through infotainment screen so hard do on move, reverse camera is high definition and sensors work well, saying that as won't be getting 1 again
Peugeot 308 2017 dimensions and boot space of 420 liters:

Peugeot 308 2014 dimensions and boot space of 420 liters:

Peugeot 308 2011 dimensions and boot space of 348 liters:

Peugeot 308 2008 dimensions and boot space of 348 liters:

Last opinions on the Peugeot 308 2008 size:
✎ Christchurch, 11-01-2025 (2.8★/5)
✎ Zagreb, 02-03-2024 (3.6★/5)
Kvalitetna unutrašnjost. Naprijed super, nazad prosječno - pre-okomiti nasloni zadnjih sjedala, prtljažnik zadovoljavajuć - slabo iskorišten prostor. Odličan i udoban ovjes te izolacija motora. Loše: nagib prednjih sjedala na "zube" umjesto na kotačić , prtljažnik loše iskorišten, zadnji nasloni se ne dadu preklopiti te je ta funkcija uvjetovana vađenjem zadnjih sjedala iz auta - odnosno da bi ih preklopili bez vađenja sjedala ,naprijed se može sjesti dijete za volan.- katastrofa!!!
Kvalitetna unutrašnjost. Naprijed super, nazad prosječno - pre-okomiti nasloni zadnjih sjedala, prtljažnik zadovoljavajuć - slabo iskorišten prostor. Odličan i udoban ovjes te izolacija motora. Loše: nagib prednjih sjedala na "zube" umjesto na kotačić , prtljažnik loše iskorišten, zadnji nasloni se ne dadu preklopiti te je ta funkcija uvjetovana vađenjem zadnjih sjedala iz auta - odnosno da bi ih preklopili bez vađenja sjedala ,naprijed se može sjesti dijete za volan.- katastrofa!!!
Peugeot 307 2005 dimensions and boot space of 341 liters:

Last opinions on the Peugeot 307 2005 size:
✎ Melbourne, 04-10-2021 (3.6★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Peugeot 308 2022:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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