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Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 dimensions with length, width and height

Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 dimensions.

  Ground clearance 18 cm.
Diesel MHEV Diesel mild hybrid engine.
Petrol MHEV Petrol mild hybrid engine.
Diesel PHEV Diesel plug-in hybrid engine.
Petrol PHEV Petrol plug-in hybrid engine.
Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 boot space
ZoomBoot space: 460* - 620 liters.
Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 dashboard
Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 interior
ZoomInterior space with 5 seats.
The Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV has a length of 4716 mm, a height of 1640 mm, a width of 1890 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2096 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. The plug-in hybrid model is called GLC SUV d, GLC SUV e and has a boot space of 460* liters. Because of its size, features and ground clearance of 18 cm, we classify the Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV in the category of large SUV and 4x4 cars. This model from the year 2023 stands out for being 61 mm longer compared to the dimensions of the 2019 Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV.
Exterior of the Mercedes-Benz GLC SUVExterior detail of the Mercedes-Benz GLC SUVInterior detail of the Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV
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Current Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV dimensions to compare with previous models

Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 dimensions and boot space of 620 liters:

Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 dimensionsMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 boot spaceMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 dashboardMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 interior
Last opinions on the Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2023 size:
✎ Frankfurt, 18-11-2023  (4.4/5)
✎ istanbul, 09-03-2023  (5/5)

Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2019 dimensions and boot space of 550 liters:

Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2019 dimensionsMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2019 boot spaceMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2019 dashboardMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2019 interior
Last opinions on the Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2019 size:
✎ Rotkreuz, 04-02-2025  (4/5)
300 DE. Love the torque! 700nm with fully charged battery. Diesel engine alone is quite punchy. Small trunk, even less space compared to a standard GLC because of the additional battery. 300 DE comes with air suspension by default, which is very very comfy. When wheels are fully turned to left or right the car start bunny hopping, which is just frustrating.
✎ Greater London, 27-03-2023  (4.8/5)
✎ Middelfart, 29-01-2023  (3.2/5)

Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2015 dimensions and boot space of 550 liters:

Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2015 dimensionsMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2015 boot spaceMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2015 dashboardMercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2015 interior
Last opinions on the Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV 2015 size:
✎ LESKOVEC, 14-12-2022  (4.8/5)
✎ King's Lynn, 10-09-2022  (4.6/5)
I'm 14 years old and I don't drive it but I don't have my car. My dad have this car. Boot space is the best things for 3 suitcases and 2 small boxes for my opinion. The good but not the best. Performance was pretty nice,which is really good for ages between 18 and 75. Front seats space are excellent! But rear seats space could be better those seats space for tall people. By the way nice design.

Mercedes-Benz GLK 2012 dimensions and boot space of liters:

Mercedes-Benz GLK 2012 dimensions
Last opinions on the Mercedes-Benz GLK 2012 size:
✎ Varna, 10-01-2025  (5/5)
✎ Hạ long, 06-11-2024  (3.8/5)
✎ Sofia, 27-09-2023  (4.6/5)
3.5 V6 gasoline engine is great with automatic gear, just litle thirsty for fuel. I like real cars with real round annalog gauges on dashboard, not with rhe i-pad as new cars
✎ Varna, 16-08-2022  (5/5)
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