Mazda CX-3 2018 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Mazda CX-3 2018 dimensions.

The Mazda CX-3 has a length of 4275 mm, a height of 1535 mm and a width of 1765 mm without the exterior mirrors. Because of its size, features and ground clearance of 15 cm, we classify the Mazda CX-3 in the category of compact SUV. This model from the year 2018 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2015 Mazda CX-3. 2018 model for sale as new until 2022.

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Current Mazda CX-3 dimensions to compare with previous models
Mazda CX-3 2018 dimensions and boot space of 350 liters:

Last opinions on the Mazda CX-3 2018 size:
✎ Marmande, 19-05-2024 (4.8★/5)
The whole experience is great. Low noise and solid build. Very economic. plenty of space for two people, little cramps four and not for five people.boot is just big enough when lower shelf is out. No spare wheel. Solid built car. 7 years old and still pergict
The whole experience is great. Low noise and solid build. Very economic. plenty of space for two people, little cramps four and not for five people.boot is just big enough when lower shelf is out. No spare wheel. Solid built car. 7 years old and still pergict
✎ Jakarta, 24-03-2022 (4★/5)
✎ Belgrade, 21-01-2022 (4.2★/5)
I am pretty happy with it! Minus would be rear seats space and boot space. So for a single person or a couple it will be perfect fit!
I am pretty happy with it! Minus would be rear seats space and boot space. So for a single person or a couple it will be perfect fit!
✎ Cardiff, 14-01-2022 (2.6★/5)
Boot space not good for a family of 3
Boot space not good for a family of 3
Mazda CX-3 2015 dimensions and boot space of 350 liters:

Last opinions on the Mazda CX-3 2015 size:
✎ Brighton, 18-02-2022 (4.6★/5)
Legroom in the back is OK unless the front seat occupants are tall! Boot has a double level, there’s a removal board from the point where it’s level with the bumper to give you extra space. Parking sensors make parking easy. Overall a great car to own and drive, just not the fastest or most exciting.
Legroom in the back is OK unless the front seat occupants are tall! Boot has a double level, there’s a removal board from the point where it’s level with the bumper to give you extra space. Parking sensors make parking easy. Overall a great car to own and drive, just not the fastest or most exciting.
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Mazda CX-3 2018:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Mazda CX-3 comparator with other vehicles

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Category of compact SUV

CX-3 2018 parking space simulator