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 Home > Skoda range > Skoda Superb Combi

Skoda Superb Combi 2019-2024 size reviews based on user experience:

Skoda Superb Combi 2019 size
See interior
Average of 29 opinions
Satisfaction with size:

Performance in city:

Front seats space:

Rear seats space:

Use of boot space:

Average weekly mileage: 540 km
Auckland, 09-12-2024  (5/5)
This car is awesome. Love the drive
Schaffhausen, 27-03-2024  (4.8/5)
A luxury car with enorm amount of space to an affordable price
Mannheim, 14-10-2021  (4.8/5)
There is no other Car in this class with so much space

Skoda Superb Combi 2015-2019 size reviews based on user experience:

Skoda Superb Combi 2015 size
See interior
Average of 21 opinions
Satisfaction with size:

Performance in city:

Front seats space:

Rear seats space:

Use of boot space:

Average weekly mileage: 570 km
Helsingborg, 17-08-2021  (4.8/5)
Fantastic car.
London, 16-07-2021  (5/5)
Love the practicality and toys I get with this car. The only thing I have against it is that it is very thirsty (L&K 280bhp Petrol), but I cannot fault it's reliability, sheer space and performance. The quality is not on par with my previous three BMW 5 series cars, but for rapid, good looking, family load carrier, I cannot find anything in it's price range to match it. The standard equipment on the L&K has me wanting for nothing and my one has cooled seats and a panoramic sunroof so I have no real complaints.
Copenhagen, 03-06-2021  (5/5)
Skoda Superb Combi 272 hp. Perfect vehicle, no complaints.

Skoda Superb Combi 2013-2015 size reviews based on user experience:

Skoda Superb Combi 2013 size
See interior
Average of 4 opinions
Satisfaction with size:

Performance in city:

Front seats space:

Rear seats space:

Use of boot space:

Average weekly mileage: 310 km
Wellington New Zealand, 14-12-2023  (4.6/5)
DSG takes awhile to get used to, less space than my last car [Holden Adventra 2005 v8]. Has parking assist so Parking is a breeze. Has a limousine like leg space, Great for cruising on the motorway but being all wheel drive turning circle is not very sharp. Will definitely buy another one.

Skoda Superb Combi 2008-2013 size reviews based on user experience:

Skoda Superb Combi 2008 size
See interior
Average of 4 opinions
Satisfaction with size:

Performance in city:

Front seats space:

Rear seats space:

Use of boot space:

Average weekly mileage: 250 km
Brasov, 16-03-2022  (5/5)
The best family car in terms of dimensions, reliability and quality.

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