Smart fortwo 2015 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Smart fortwo 2015 dimensions.

The Smart fortwo has a length of 2695 mm, a height of 1555 mm, a width of 1663 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 1893 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. The electric model is called EQ fortwo. Because of its exterior size and short length, we classify the Smart fortwo in the category of city cars. This model from the year 2015 has the same length, 104 mm wider and 10 mm lower compared to the dimensions of the 2012 Smart fortwo. 2015 model for sale as new until 2020.

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Smart fortwo 2015 dimensions and boot space of 260 liters:

Last opinions on the Smart fortwo 2015 size:
✎ Luton, 26-05-2024 (4.3★/5)
I'm a big guy (170kg) and I find it very comfortable car for both sorry and long distance (650km) and had great fuel economy (covered 650km without having to refuel 35L tank but was on reserve)
I'm a big guy (170kg) and I find it very comfortable car for both sorry and long distance (650km) and had great fuel economy (covered 650km without having to refuel 35L tank but was on reserve)
✎ Vancouver, 21-10-2023 (4.3★/5)
2016 fortwo Prime, 3-cyl ICE, standard transmission. The interior is shockingly roomy and comfortable, primarily because there is no back seat or even an attempt to fake it. The boot storage is modest, and well-designed to maximize usability, but is quite filled with two carry-on valises, computer bags, and jackets. At 7 years of age and nearly daily use, the leather seats are not showing wear, though other parts are - particularly the door seals. In North America, parking is a dream. The car is excellent in-city and highway; its kpl runs 15-22 with more than 150,000 km. A two-seater has limited versatility, but I have driven forest service roads SUV have feared and crossed the continent. The ride is surprisingly smooth for such a short wheel base, but not decadent.
2016 fortwo Prime, 3-cyl ICE, standard transmission. The interior is shockingly roomy and comfortable, primarily because there is no back seat or even an attempt to fake it. The boot storage is modest, and well-designed to maximize usability, but is quite filled with two carry-on valises, computer bags, and jackets. At 7 years of age and nearly daily use, the leather seats are not showing wear, though other parts are - particularly the door seals. In North America, parking is a dream. The car is excellent in-city and highway; its kpl runs 15-22 with more than 150,000 km. A two-seater has limited versatility, but I have driven forest service roads SUV have feared and crossed the continent. The ride is surprisingly smooth for such a short wheel base, but not decadent.
Smart fortwo 2012 dimensions and boot space of 220 liters:

Last opinions on the Smart fortwo 2012 size:
✎ athens, 26-07-2023 (5★/5)
Smart fortwo 2010 dimensions and boot space of 220 liters:

Last opinions on the Smart fortwo 2010 size:
✎ Adelaide, 26-02-2025 (5★/5)
Unless you have bred this is all most people need for a city car. They were brilliant. So much easier to drive and park in urban environments than the bloated cars of 2025. Also comfortable for country use too (I've previously driven across Australia in mine). I'm disappointed Smart no longer make small cars.
Unless you have bred this is all most people need for a city car. They were brilliant. So much easier to drive and park in urban environments than the bloated cars of 2025. Also comfortable for country use too (I've previously driven across Australia in mine). I'm disappointed Smart no longer make small cars.
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Smart fortwo 2015:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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