Seat Alhambra 2015 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Seat Alhambra 2015 dimensions.

The Seat Alhambra has a length of 4854 mm, a height of 1740 mm, a width of 1904 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2081 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. The boot capacity with 5 seats varies between 658 - 809 liters depending on whether the third row of seats is present and folded down or is not present. Because of its interior flexibility and space optimization, we classify the Seat Alhambra in the category of MPV cars. This model from the year 2015 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2010 Seat Alhambra. 2015 model for sale as new until 2022.
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Current Seat Alhambra dimensions to compare with previous models
Seat Alhambra 2015 dimensions and boot space of (5) 658-809 - (7) 267 liters:

Last opinions on the Seat Alhambra 2015 size:
✎ Blackpool uk, 26-03-2023 (4.8★/5)
Park assist great even in tightest spaces. Sliding panoramic roof great, outer middle row seats can be specified as intergratef child seats with kids headrest.
Park assist great even in tightest spaces. Sliding panoramic roof great, outer middle row seats can be specified as intergratef child seats with kids headrest.
✎ Renfrew, 19-03-2023 (4.8★/5)
✎ Antalya , 25-07-2021 (4.6★/5)
Bought a new Alhambra 1.4 TSI in full leather. Had for 5 years. Excellent car. Perfect for family. Massive space. Not too high so also great for roof rack for kayaks. We lived at 500m high on a mountain in Turkey and then in city of Antalya. Despite small engine never lacked power going up mountain roads fully laden. No problem driving and parking in city. Electric sliding doors excellent. Despite intensive family use no issues at all with the car. Reason for sale was that as we went more off the beaten track the traction on dirt and trail roads was very bad and ground clearance very low. But we miss the car! Wish they continued making it but with AWD.
Bought a new Alhambra 1.4 TSI in full leather. Had for 5 years. Excellent car. Perfect for family. Massive space. Not too high so also great for roof rack for kayaks. We lived at 500m high on a mountain in Turkey and then in city of Antalya. Despite small engine never lacked power going up mountain roads fully laden. No problem driving and parking in city. Electric sliding doors excellent. Despite intensive family use no issues at all with the car. Reason for sale was that as we went more off the beaten track the traction on dirt and trail roads was very bad and ground clearance very low. But we miss the car! Wish they continued making it but with AWD.
Seat Alhambra 2010 dimensions and boot space of (5) 658-809 - (7) 267 liters:

Last opinions on the Seat Alhambra 2010 size:
✎ Oradea, 03-05-2022 (4.8★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Seat Alhambra 2015:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Seat Alhambra comparator with other vehicles

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