Kia Stinger 2021 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Kia Stinger 2021 dimensions.

The Kia Stinger has a length of 4830 mm, a height of 1400 mm and a width of 1870 mm without the exterior mirrors. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Kia Stinger in the category of executive cars. This model from the year 2021 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2018 Kia Stinger. 2021 model for sale as new until 2023.

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Current Kia Stinger dimensions to compare with previous models
Kia Stinger 2021 dimensions and boot space of 406 liters:

Kia Stinger 2018 dimensions and boot space of 406 liters:

Last opinions on the Kia Stinger 2018 size:
✎ Sydney, 25-04-2024 (4.8★/5)
After 4 years owning my Kia Stinger GT Carbon Edition I can say I am still very happy and excited each time I drive. The hatch space is very usable and expands nicely without parcel shelf no of course with rear seat lowered is just like a wagon estate. I challenge anyone to match a stinger GT for value, space and performance while also being unique is a market of vanilla car designs.
After 4 years owning my Kia Stinger GT Carbon Edition I can say I am still very happy and excited each time I drive. The hatch space is very usable and expands nicely without parcel shelf no of course with rear seat lowered is just like a wagon estate. I challenge anyone to match a stinger GT for value, space and performance while also being unique is a market of vanilla car designs.
✎ Singapore, 13-02-2022 (5★/5)
Fantastic car, best thought design and great performance.
Fantastic car, best thought design and great performance.
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Kia Stinger 2021:
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