Kia Carens 2017 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Kia Carens 2017 dimensions.

The Kia Carens has a length of 4525 mm, a height of 1610 mm and a width of 1805 mm without the exterior mirrors. The boot capacity with 5 seats varies between 492 - 536 liters depending on whether the third row of seats is present and folded down or is not present. Because of its interior flexibility and space optimization, we classify the Kia Carens in the category of MPV cars. This model from the year 2017 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2013 Kia Carens. 2017 model for sale as new until 2019.
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Current Kia Carens dimensions to compare with previous models
Kia Carens 2017 dimensions and boot space of (5) 492-536 - (7) 103 liters:

Kia Carens 2013 dimensions and boot space of (5) 492-536 - (7) 103 liters:

Last opinions on the Kia Carens 2013 size:
✎ Rijeka, 14-11-2023 (5★/5)
Ideal size, capacity and agility for family and work use.
Ideal size, capacity and agility for family and work use.
✎ Guelma, 11-07-2021 (5★/5)
Great car.
Great car.
✎ near Legionowo, 03-06-2021 (4.8★/5)
Interior space - to family 2+1 and with baby seat is excelent, luggage space very big, parking in citys mini markets (Lidl) maby problematic but it's good, mobility in city ok and roads trip with 1600 cc engine it's comfort but with more power will be great, dual-zone air conditioning with clean air system, Front Head Room very good, versatility - YES. Kia Carens year 2014, 1600cc gasoline, total distance traveled 120 000 km, standard inspections and only replacement of the rear shock absorbers.
Interior space - to family 2+1 and with baby seat is excelent, luggage space very big, parking in citys mini markets (Lidl) maby problematic but it's good, mobility in city ok and roads trip with 1600 cc engine it's comfort but with more power will be great, dual-zone air conditioning with clean air system, Front Head Room very good, versatility - YES. Kia Carens year 2014, 1600cc gasoline, total distance traveled 120 000 km, standard inspections and only replacement of the rear shock absorbers.
✎ Kórnik, 22-05-2021 (5★/5)
Kia Carens 2011 dimensions and boot space of liters:

Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Kia Carens 2017:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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