Ford Edge 2019 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Ford Edge 2019 dimensions.

The Ford Edge has a length of 4834 mm, a height of 1732 mm, a width of 1928 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2184 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its size, features and ground clearance of 19 cm, we classify the Ford Edge in the category of large SUV and 4x4 cars. This model from the year 2019 is 26 mm longer, has the same width and 40 mm higher compared to the dimensions of the 2016 Ford Edge. 2019 model for sale as new until 2021.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Ford Edge dimensions to compare with previous models
Ford Edge 2019 dimensions and boot space of 602 liters:

Last opinions on the Ford Edge 2019 size:
✎ Prague, 24-08-2022 (5★/5)
✎ Sheboygan Wi, 06-06-2022 (4.8★/5)
Ford Edge 2016 dimensions and boot space of 602 liters:

Last opinions on the Ford Edge 2016 size:
✎ Bucharest, 30-07-2022 (4.6★/5)
Large turning circle. Visibility is not amazing on tight streets or tight parking. Engine si decent for 90+% of the time but could have been a bit bigger with more HP for the weight. Space however is amazing front seat, back seat, boot. Anyone i took with me was amazed about the passenger space. Car is ergonomic as all fords but not specifically exciting and looks a bit dated on the inside. Outside i think it still looks great.
Large turning circle. Visibility is not amazing on tight streets or tight parking. Engine si decent for 90+% of the time but could have been a bit bigger with more HP for the weight. Space however is amazing front seat, back seat, boot. Anyone i took with me was amazed about the passenger space. Car is ergonomic as all fords but not specifically exciting and looks a bit dated on the inside. Outside i think it still looks great.
✎ Grimsby, 17-04-2022 (5★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Ford Edge 2019:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Ford Edge comparator with other vehicles

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Category of large SUV and 4x4 cars

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