Citroen C1 2014 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Citroen C1 2014 dimensions.

The Citroen C1 has a length of 3466 mm, a height of 1460 mm, a width of 1615 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 1884 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its exterior size and short length, we classify the Citroen C1 in the category of city cars. This model from the year 2014 is 26 mm longer, 15 mm narrower and has the same height compared to the dimensions of the 2012 Citroen C1. 2014 model for sale as new until 2022.
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Current Citroen C1 dimensions to compare with previous models
Citroen C1 2014 dimensions and boot space of 196 liters:

Last opinions on the Citroen C1 2014 size:
✎ Malta, 28-12-2023 (3.4★/5)
✎ Sunderland, 07-10-2021 (3.6★/5)
Great for popping places, finding parking spaces bigger cars can't use, and mpg is fab ....... Small boot so you end up with your shopping in the back seat as well, glove box is teeny, ices up on the inside windshield in winter sometimes. Overall I love my c1 but I do know that someday soon I will have to get a grown up car, and on that day tears will be shed.
Great for popping places, finding parking spaces bigger cars can't use, and mpg is fab ....... Small boot so you end up with your shopping in the back seat as well, glove box is teeny, ices up on the inside windshield in winter sometimes. Overall I love my c1 but I do know that someday soon I will have to get a grown up car, and on that day tears will be shed.
Citroen C1 2012 dimensions and boot space of 139 liters:

Citroen C1 2009 dimensions and boot space of 139 liters:

Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Citroen C1 2014:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Citroen C1 comparator with other vehicles

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C1 2014 parking space simulator