BMW i8 Coupe 2018 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

BMW i8 Coupe 2018 dimensions.

The BMW i8 Coupe has a length of 4689 mm, a height of 1293 mm and a width of 1942 mm without the exterior mirrors. Because of its high performance mechanics and low height, we classify the BMW i8 Coupe in the category of sports cars. This model from the year 2018 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2014 BMW i8. 2018 model for sale as new until 2020.

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BMW i8 Coupe 2018 dimensions and boot space of 154 liters:

Last opinions on the BMW i8 Coupe 2018 size:
✎ Gloucester, 01-08-2023 (3.2★/5)
Much too large and fragile for the attrociously maintained rural lanes where I live. Too wide for manoeuvring in towns around street parked cars. Very small boot, but using the rear seats for luggage there is plenty of room for short holidays. Really comfortable with planty of seating space. Rear seats for small children only. Not very versatile but that is not why you buy it.
Much too large and fragile for the attrociously maintained rural lanes where I live. Too wide for manoeuvring in towns around street parked cars. Very small boot, but using the rear seats for luggage there is plenty of room for short holidays. Really comfortable with planty of seating space. Rear seats for small children only. Not very versatile but that is not why you buy it.
BMW i8 2014 dimensions and boot space of 154 liters:

Last opinions on the BMW i8 2014 size:
✎ London, 01-10-2021 (4.4★/5)
Best car iv owned
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Comparison of new cars with similar size to the BMW i8 Coupe 2018:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
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