Automobile dimensions and sizes of all makes

Dimensions of new Alpine cars showing length, width and height

Range of Alpine automobiles to help you find new and previous cars according to the size of each vehicle.
Width measurements are indicated without the side mirrors (in brackets with the mirrors unfolded).
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New Alpine A290 2025

Alpine A290 length x width x height
See interiorLogo Electric
L x W x H: 3990 x 1820 x 1520 mm
Boot space: 326 dm3

Alpine A110

Alpine A110 length x width x height
See interiorLogo Petrol
L x W x H: 4181 x 1798 x 1252 mm
Boot space: 196 dm3

Logo DieselDiesel Logo Diesel mild hybridDiesel mild hybrid Logo Diesel hybridDiesel hybrid Logo Diesel plug-in hybridDiesel plug-in hybrid Logo HydrogenHydrogen
Logo PetrolPetrol Logo Petrol mild hybridPetrol mild hybrid Logo Petrol hybridPetrol hybrid Logo Petrol plug-in hybridPetrol plug-in hybrid Logo ElectricElectric

Alpine brand synthesis:

Alpine is a historic French sports car brand founded in 1955. The brand gained great notoriety in rally and endurance racing, solidifying its prestige with a victory at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1978. After a period of inactivity, Renault relaunched Alpine in 2017 with the goal of reviving its sporting spirit and expanding into the high-performance sports car segment with a focus on lightness, agility, and dynamism.

Among Alpine cars, we highlight:
  • Sports coupés: Represented by the Alpine A110, a model that embodies the brand’s philosophy of lightness and agility.

Length of new Alpine automobiles:

 3990 mm
 4181 mm

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Parking space simulator of Alpine models

Parking measurements
Simulation of the space occupied by the dimensions of a car parked in its parking and garage entrance. Select the model and the measurements of the parking space.